Monday, November 8, 2010

In Praise of My Mother...

You ever wonder what God was thinking when He placed you in your family? I think of my mother, her strength and weaknesses, her faith and fears. I am not worthy to serve beside her. Her heart is utterly selfless, and her life completely defined by her unceasing service of God, her family, and the church. Her dedication to fasting, prayer, and eternal things gives me faith to add my feeble prayers to hers and trust God to intervene. Her untiring, constant efforts to complete real-life, drudging work that I would rather put off until tomorrow never ceases to amaze me. She has the diligence of the woman in Proverbs, “whose candle goeth not out by night;” the persistence of the woman in the parable who continued to cry out to the unjust judge until he finally avenged her; and the faith of the woman of Canaan who said to Jesus after He had basically called her a dog, “Yet the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the master’s table.”

So many of her strengths are my own weaknesses. Without her beautiful example always before me, I would probably be a hypocritical jerk. Honestly. She should be the one blogging here right now, and I should be the one doing the laundry. She’s so wise. I cannot take credit for the things I know; they’re not my own, only borrowed.
God bless Momma today.
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